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Szukana fraza: [Opis = "Based on the achievements and scientific methods of telecommunications, an attempt was made to analyse and organize the state of knowledge and practice, an original methodology for researching the quality of admission control in future wireless networks and the foundations of congestion control was developed. Exponential increase in data volumes in wireless systems challenges the current networks. It has been assumed that the scope of system quality foundations for admission control in wireless systems, wireless network architectures, identifies a strategy for scientific, economic and organizational development. Author perceives utility of this thesis as a systemic support for the procedures of analysis and assessment of the quality of the product and the process of the telco infrastructure that is becoming the mean for creating and managing the key performance value indicators. The importance of the undertaken topic of reducing harmfulness and increasing the quality of the admission control system is strategic for the deployed wireless systems. Concepts of problem solutions sed to implement these concepts are crucial to telecom and IT science. The contribution to the transformation of the new system consists mainly of in\-depth approach to processing user requests for resources, developing the basis for a modernized selection of data processing and control space features"]

Wyników: 1

Obiektów na stronie:

Flizikowski, Adam Wysocki, Tadeusz. Supervisor.

PhD dissertation

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