
Szukana fraza: [Opis = "Aim of study was to investigate behavior of donor and recipient PGCs by 1. isolation method of gonadal PGCs from 28\-29 \(H\&H\) stage donor embryos to obtain possible highest number of non\-aggregating cells\; 2. examination of migratory capabilities of PGCs derived from Ross 308 and green\-legged partridgelike in the role of donor or recipient of cells\; 3. elaboration a new method of partial sterilization of recipients using cytostatic\- terosulfan \(TERO\)"]

Wyników: 1

Obiektów na stronie:

Kozłowska, Izabela Bednarczyk, Marek. Supervisor Łakota,Paweł. Co-supervisor

PhD dissertation

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