
Moisture-Dependent Physical-Mechanical Properties of Maize, Rice, and Soybeans as Related to Handling and Processing


Kruszelnicka, Weronika ; Chen, Zhengpu ; Ambrose, Kingsly

Subject and Keywords:

grain kernels ; moisture content ; strength ; compression test ; size ; shape ; breakage energy ; sphericity


Knowledge of physical and mechanical properties of cereal grains is important for designinghandling and processing equipment. However, there is still a lack of knowledge on the influenceof moisture content on the physical-mechanical properties as related to machine design. The aimof this study was to investigate and describe the changes in select physical-mechanical propertiesof maize, rice, and soybeans at various moisture content (10%, 14%, 18%, 22%, 26%; wet basis) andtheir compression behavior at two loading rates of 1.25 mm/min and 125 mm/min. The measuredphysical and mechanical properties include size, shape, and breakage force of single kernels. It wasfound that an increase in moisture content increased the kernel size, altered the kernel shape, anddecreased the bulk density. The effects of moisture content and loading rate on breakage force, stress,and energy varied depending on the grain type. Our results indicated that an increase in moisturecontent changed the mechanical behavior of grain kernels from brittle to viscoelastic. To preventkernel damage during processing and handling, the measured force and stress during compressioncan be used as the limit value for designing equipment


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Materials 2022, 15, 872 ; click here to follow the link




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